These are just a few of the changemakers’ names that Ellis second graders shouted out when asked who they’re excited to learn about in their Fighting for a Cause unit, a Discovery Unit that focuses on people in history who stood up for positive change and advocated for the rights of others.
Ellis junior 五月。a Earnest-Hawken isn’t yet sure where her career, or even her college experience, will take her but she knows one thing for certain: advocacy is important to her, and she plans to focus on it in her future.
A few days before spring break, the sixth grade homeroom was full of spring colors. Students were busy crafting decorations for a cause that many feel passionate about.
Brenda Martinez’s class might look like fun and games, but spend enough time with her 较低的学校 students as they play and you’ll start to hear a few tentatively spoken Spanish words grow into an enthusiastic Spanglish, and later into fluent conversation in a newfound second language.
Culture Jam is a long-standing tradition at The Ellis School and this year it celebrated a very special anniversary: 20 years of student changemakers making an impact through this student-led and organized diversity conference.